• Philosophie,
  • Recherche,
  • Droit,

Séminaire | Cosmopolitisme et justice globale - 21 janvier 2022

Evènement | 21 janvier 2022
à 14h

Intervention de Ivo WALLIMANN-HELMER sur le thème : "Complex Climate Responsibilities for Food Security".

Présentation de la conférence

"Complex Climate Responsibilities for Food Security"

In the political public sphere and in international climate politics but also in ethical research on climate justice the focus is most often on how to differentiate the responsibilities for climate action and on how to fairly distribute the entitlements either to produce emissions or to be assisted in taking action to adapt to changing climatic conditions. This focus misses crucial consequences of climate action potentially undermining food security in poor regions of the world and for the weakest members of society. This paper tackles these consequences and shows why due to risks to food security in all areas of climate action doubled responsibilities of industrialized countries occur. They are not only responsible to take climate action but also must do their part to help avoid food insecurity.

Ivo WALLIMANN-HELMER est Professeur à l’Institut des Sciences et Humanités Environnementales de l’Université de Fribourg (Suisse)

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Numéro de la réunion : 2731 232 3059
Mot de passe : 9wcZ7nVWtu6

Séminaire organisé dans le cadre du programme "Justice globale, droit international et constitution de l’État" du LABEX COMOD
avec le soutien de l’IRPHIL et du GROUPE DroitPhiL

Coordinateurs scientifiques : Isabelle DELPLA et Benjamin BOURCIER



Campus des Quais

Université Jean-Moulin Lyon 3
Campus des Quais – Salle A-02 (bât. Athéna)
Séance comodale (voir lien Webex)

Ilias Voiron



Colloque / Séminaire


Philosophie, Recherche, Droit

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